Meet The Youngs

Hi, I’m Nicole, your East Coast best friend sharing everyday essentials to elevate your home and lifestyle on a budget!

When my husband and I bought our first home at the beach in 2020, it was far from perfect! Even though we finally made it to our dream location, young, broke, and learning how to be homeowners, we quickly realized the importance of being handy. Between the builder-grade standard accessories and the many issues we had to overcome to fix builder mistakes, my husband and I spent years trying to find the best way to transform this blank canvas into our dream home.

Like all beginners, we started with one project – our attic. Within a few weeks… we knew we were in over our heads. Thankfully my father-in-law is an incredibly talented craftsman and was able to help teach us tips and tricks to create a flawless finish.   

Through trial and error, several lite nights, and a hoarder’s stash of useless failed attempts (because, you know, we might be able to repurpose it so we wouldn’t dare throw it away!), we discovered some great tricks and home decor dupes to recreate those high-end designs for a fraction of the cost of major brands!

From home renovations and DIY projects, those skills started expanding into wedding décor and crafting while were prepared for our dream wedding on the beach! Everything detail was carefully created by my husband and I – in a way we did it to save a ton of money… but I think we appreciated everything 10 times more because we made it by hand and were intentional. Crafting, DIY, hone décor and renovations quickly became our passion.

That’s why we created this blog we call Young Coastal to help others in the same position we were in by sharing what we’ve learned and the products we’ve discovered that have become staples in our lives.

We hope you join us on this journey and as a result, get to build the life and home you’ve been dreaming of!